Canadian Politics from Canada's Centre

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Blogging Carnivals Of Interest

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I was running around the web recently and hit upon this nice thing in the blogosphere called a carnival. People submit posts on a subject, and then each week (or however frequently the carnival occurs), the posts are all linked to from another site, with some sort of a description.
Currently, two submissions have been accepted.
1) When my letter was published in Time discussing the link between obesity and large portion sizes, I posted the letter here, and it made it into a carnival discussing science and similar issues. The carnival's website (the host changes weekly, but not the home site) is The Tangled Bank.
2) As I have had my nerves grated on repreatedly by the obvious lack of separation of Church and State here in Canada, I wrote about it, and the post made it onto the Carnival of the godless (which I'm not, but the subject matter fits...).
I posted to political carnivals, but I am unaware as yet of any acceptances. Meanwhile, I suggest these carnivals be checked out, because even though they may not have the same views as you, there are interesting points being raised nonetheless.


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