Canadian Politics from Canada's Centre

Monday, April 24, 2006

NDP Active in Quebec, says Thibodeau

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A few days back I was musing about whether the NDP even realized Quebec was part of Canada. It appears the country's socialist party does indeed realize, and is working to spread the word that the NDP cares about Quebec. The following is a press release from Nicolas Thibodeau, the NDP's defeated candidate in the riding of Mount Royal, and the NDP. It is followed by a letter from Thibodeau concerning the NDP's upcoming National Convention, which will be held here in Quebec, and NDP politics in general. The press release is directly translated from the French, it appears, which would explain the English mistakes.

Against Hiking Age of Consent

Last week-end [April 16; this is slightly old] the General Council of the NDP Quebec Section was held at UQTR. Nicolas R. Thibodeau, candidate in the last federal elections and president of the Mount Royal NDP Association met with Jack Layton and M. Pierre Ducasse, the representant [sic] of the NDP for Quebec.

Mr. Thibodeau took time to adress the delicate issues of age of consentent [sic] and of the present canadian [sic] military policies regarding our participation in NORAD. Furthermore, the Mount Royal delegation took a strong stand to push sustainable environmental measures for all future NDP events. It is Mr. Thibodeau's stand that democracy and surrounding activities should be practiced in a responsible way in every possible way. The youth representant [sic] of the NDP in Mount Royal, Christel Marchand, took part in many discussion [sic] surrounding the youth preoccupations in environment and education.

In the next several months, Nicolas R. Thibodeau will be revisiting [sic] Mount Royal schools and youth organization to actively do what politicians should do : listen. He will seek the answers relatively [sic] to the absentees of the last elections, the environmental responsability [sic] of Canada and in regards to the Conservative measures to hike the age of consent. Hence [sic], he will try to get the citizen's feedback on how to change the present trend of low participation at [in] the election in Canada...
Personal letter from Thibodeau to people who showed interest in the NDP last election follows. Note, it's not 'support', it's 'soutien'. Support is an anglicisme...

Bonjour à tous! Hi to all! (please see English translation below)

Le printemps est là et c'est le temps des semences!
L'association Mont-Royal du NPD a besoin de votre énergie, de vos idées et de votre support...
Le prochain Congrès National aura lieu à Québec en septembre prochain, afin d'obtenir le plus de délégué(e)s possibles nous sommes en période de recrutement et de renouvellement. Alors, prière de visiter le lien suivant et de le recommander à vos amis, la meilleure façon de changer les choses c'est de s'impliquer! Considérant le fort taux d'absentation à Mont-Royal, la prochaine fois pourrait être la bonne!
Nicolas R. Thibodeau
p.s. nous avons jusqu'au 11 mai pour recueillir le maximum de support pour se faire entendre au prochain Congrès!!!

Spring is here and it's time to plow!
The Mount Royal NDP association needs your energy, your ideas and your support...
Next september in Quebec City will be held the Federal Convention of the NDP. In order to make your voice heard it is essential to help your association grow, the more we are, the more we can be! Invite a friend! Considering the strong absentee participation of the last election, next time it's might be our turn! Please click on the following link to renew or join us :
Nicolas R. Thibodeau
p.s. We have until the May 11th to obtain the maximum support for the next NDP Convention!!!
Président de l'Association NPD Mont-Royal et ex-Candidat du NPD dans Mont-Royal
President of the NDP Mount Royal Association & your NDP ex-candidate in Mount Royal

Association de comté
Association NPD Mont-Royal - A/S NPD Québec
4384, boul. St-Laurent, bureau 100, Montréal (Qc) H2W 1Z5
Tél : (514) 590-0036 ou 1-800-843-8598
Téléc. : (514) 590-0555

Related articles on the NDP and Nicolas Thibodeau :
Does the NDP care about Quebec
Interview with Nicolas Thibodeau
The Canadian Federal Political System
NDP candidate's zany conspiracy theory about the CIA

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At 9:37 p.m., Canadian Politico Anonymous Anonymous said:

And now it's 5-4 for Montreal

No surprise, with these 2 great players : Kovalev

& Huet :

At 1:23 a.m., Canadian Politico Blogger lecentre said:

6-5, HABS WIN! Habs up 2-0 in the series.


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