Canadian Politics from Canada's Centre

Monday, April 03, 2006

Satire and Comedy at Mark's and at Tony's

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Here are a handful of humour-related carnival acknowledgements. The following sites have funny content related to Centrerion: Canadian Politics' content.
Each of these included our Osama and Coffee Quip of the Day in their round-ups. Therefore, we're trackbacking (link discusses technical additions to Centrerion: Canadian Politics, and includes an explanation of trackbacks), which is the online version of you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
The Carnival of Satire is on at Mark A Rayner's site, The Skwib (which is itself a satire of the word 'squib', which means short satyrical writing).
Dr Phat Tony's got the Carnival of Comedy for your peepers. He also has this funny bit, in a more recent post, which reflects what many of us are probably wondering:
"How hard can it be to find illegal immigrants, when they gather in the streets by the thousands to protest anti-illegal immigration law?"

Related articles:
  1. Philosophy Carnival Awards Centrerion Top Prize
  2. Recent Carnivals - Sanity, Investing, Center-Right
  3. Other acknowledgements
  4. Carnival of Education

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